Parish Life


One of the most important things we do at Christ Church is pray for and with one another.

The Book of Common Prayer, the repository of our worship and practice for corporate and personal use, includes Morning, Noon, Evening and Compline (end of the day).

These disciplines teach us to begin and end each day with gratitude, praise, and prayer; form our own prayers by giving us words and frameworks to make them our own (and leading us to pray for things we might otherwise overlook). All of these orders of prayer focus our attention on interceding for our families, the church, our communities, and the world.

Our intercessory prayer group at Christ Church pray faithfully for the needs of those in our congregation and beyond, and we post a prayer list in the Christ Church Weekly Update which includes prayers for our church members as well as congregations and leadership of churches in our Diocesan Cycle of Prayer.


Doing Life Together

We have an array of activities, groups, and events designed to build community and deepen relationships within the parish. We believe it is important to enjoy each other -- to have FUN through book clubs, blessing of the animals, concerts, supper clubs, cooking together, creating together -- doing life together. We’re always up for something new and creative.

We are also aware, however, that part of doing life together is caring for each other -- reaching out to those isolated or alone, to those who are ill, discouraged, grieving, struggling with a life issue such as job loss, addiction, or depression. We are committed to being there in good times and bad, helping in practical and spiritual ways.

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Saint Francis Guild

When St. Francis asked God what he should do with his life, the Lord spoke to him: “Francis, go and rebuild my church…” While our church and property is a great and beautiful gift, all churches need to be lovingly cared for both inside and outside. To that end, the St, Francis Guild offers an opportunity for members or families to care for a specific area or undertake specific tasks in the building or on the grounds. For example, one might be interested in weeding a certain area while another might want to help organize and maintain things inside.



The concept of year round stewardship is a high value. We want to develop a spirit of generosity and thanksgiving as each individual or family gives of time, talent, and treasure in gratitude for all we have been given.


Community Connections

We are committed to inviting others to “come and see” and to learn about faith through Alpha. We have a deep desire to make community connections and establish partnerships and to engage the residents of Suntree-Viera with a variety of activities in order to build bridges and on-ramps to Christ Church. 


Making Room at the Table

We are intentional about welcoming and following up with visitors and to ensure our newcomers find their place and put down roots.


Beyond Our Walls

We are passionate about reaching out to care for the poor, sick, the hungry, the friendless, the sorrowful, and the needy, those suffering from any grief or trouble, those who are oppressed by injustice. While we cannot meet every need, we can and must seek to make a difference on a local, regional, and international basis. We have identified several ministries already serving the needs of others -- to come alongside and support what they are doing:

Neighbor UP Brevard (The Dock, Gifts from the Heart, and the Evans Center)
Family Promise
Advent Lutheran Church Food Bank
Operation Christmas Child
Episcopal Diocese of Honduras

At Christ Church, we are not satisfied to accept that life’s suffering, violence, hatred, injustice, and oppression is simply “the way things are.” Rather, we seek to make a difference right here and now – day in and day out – because we see the way things should be…the way they shall yet be when Christ returns.


Join us

We are committed to letting our holy imaginations soar as we honor the past and acknowledge the future, but concentrate on living faithfully now.