Hello and welcome!
At Christ Church, you can expect a warm welcome, as well as a vibrant and rich worship experience. Episcopal Church liturgy (the order and expression of our worship) is reverent and participatory or interactive.
“Liturgy is a dialogue, a divine drama, in which we are invited to be the actors. We become a part of God’s story. We sing God’s songs. We discover lost ancestors. And their story becomes our story.” - Shane Claiborne
Rector’s Forum, 9:00AM
Worship Service In Person & via live-stream:
Christ Episcopal Church
190 Interlachen Road
Melbourne, Florida 32940
Our liturgy invites us to embrace the mystery of faith and to connect with the Church’s ancient foundation of belief in a current context. We believe that our worship forms and shapes us, changing us day by day and moment.
We pray that in worshipping with us, you will encounter the living God who guides, restores, heals, and transforms our lives with the potential to change our communities and the world. The God who is “making all things new.” Please don’t worry if you’ve never been to an Episcopal Church or any liturgical church before -- everything you need is in the service bulletin or on the screens.
We offer numerous ways to help you plug in to the life of our congregation. Please fill out a connect form when you visit so we can follow up – let us know what you’re interested in and how we can pray for you. We’re down to earth and so come as you are - we want you to be comfortable and feel at home.

We’re really excited that you’re thinking about joining us!
Below you'll find some FAQs to consider for your visit. If there is anything we were unable to answer, click the button below to fill out our contact form and a team member will reach out to you shortly.
Frequently Asked Questions
+ Can I bring my young children?
Christ Church welcomes and celebrates children. We deeply value multigenerational worship, and children are welcome for the entire service…even when they cry, gurgle, yell or disagree with the sermon. We also have a discipleship program for children called Godly Play which meets at 9:00AM.
+ How long will the service be?
Sunday Holy Eucharist at 10:00 AM – About 1 hour, 15 minutes
Wednesday Morning Prayer at 8:00 AM – About 30 minutes
+ Where do I park?
We are set back from Interlachen Road. As you enter you will see parking on the right and the left. You may also park anywhere and on busy days, you may see cars parked throughout our wooded site.
+ Is the building handicapped accessible?
The handicapped entrance is accessible from the parking lot (there are designated handicapped parking spaces). There is a ramp at the side entrance and our front door is ground level with an automatic door.
+ Will I know what to do next in the service?
Everything you need to participate is in the Order of Worship which is distributed by greeters when you enter the church.
+ Can I receive Communion?
Communion for us is an expression of a deep relationship with God and one another. So, all baptized individuals are welcome to receive Communion, and we hope that you do so.
+ Is there music?
Our 10:00AM service includes music every Sunday. It is a blend of traditional organ music and contemporary worship songs by our praise band.
+ Is there childcare?
You are welcome to have your children with you in church for the entire service which most people do who are visiting us for the first time. If your child is at least three years old, they are welcome to join our Godly Play program which meets at 9:00AM on Sundays.