In Christ Alone Our Hope is Found


A Special Announcement from the Rector and Vestry

Over the last several months, the Vestry and I have been in prayerful conversation about how best to relaunch our parish – how we can most effectively live out our vision in order to Sing a New Song in Suntree/Viera. Prior to my call and arrival, the Vestry discussed the possibility of changing the name of the church for two major reasons: 

  1. There are two other churches named Hope in close geographic proximity which has caused confusion in the community and made it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to highlight and maintain a distinctive identity.  

  2. Experts recommend a name change when relaunching as a means for a fresh start and as the primary means of communicating vision.

The vestry spent five months discussing and praying about the possibility. As you are aware, we received an extraordinarily generous financial gift designated for a new digital sign. Obviously, this gift necessitated a decision. At our December meeting, the Vestry – which includes a founding member and individuals who have joined at various times over the years and during different pastorates. In other words, this vestry is a good representation of our congregation as a whole, and each one shares a passionate commitment to this church, all of you, and our vision. After a good discussion, the group landed on Christ Episcopal Church as the name which best expressed our vision – we are rooted in tradition [of Christ], shaped through love [of Christ], and captivated by mission [of Christ]. In addition, we saw a sense of deep connection and continuity between the two names – for Christians' hope is found in Christ alone. In order to honor our past, we will add a tagline or subtext: 

Christ Episcopal Church…a community of Hope

Remarkably, when one vestry member mentioned Christ Church as a possibility, four others shared that they had been members of a Christ Episcopal Church in the past. I have had the opportunity to speak with a large number of leaders and ministry heads over the last few days to share this news, and three of them also have fond memories of being part of a Christ Episcopal Church in other times and places. I view this as a confirmation!

Following the Vestry decision, we made a request to the Diocese and received final approval last week to proceed and inform the parish. We will move into rebranding incrementally over the next several weeks.

The vast majority of individuals and couples with whom I have met or spoken expressed excitement and enthusiasm about the change, but the Vestry and I are also very aware that change can be perceived as loss. We want to be sensitive to anyone for whom this decision causes disappointment or pain. Please take the time you need to process the change, and as you do, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Each one of you is in my prayers as we move forward under this new name reflecting our new vision. What will forever remain unchanged is the love we share one for another and the commitment to do life together as well as be faithful in mission and ministry side by side. I am filled with gratitude for all those who followed a dream to build this church over three decades ago and for the faithful clergy who preceded me, for they laid a strong foundation and built a godly heritage. We stand on their collective shoulders.

May Christ be glorified in all we do!

NewsCynthia Brust