DID YOU KNOW? Pass the Syrup


It's Almost Time to Pass the Syrup

Before Ash Wednesday launches the 40 days of Lent, we get to enjoy Shrove Tuesday – February 16 this year. In the Middle Ages, Christians kicked off Lent with one last hoorah of Lenten-forbidden foods (eggs, sugar, and fat – obviously a pancake recipe) in a big festival preceded, of course, by confession. While this tradition teaches us something about the human spirit ("why not binge on sin before giving it up, especially right after confession"), it has also given us a pretty fun and tasty tradition in many Episcopal churches.


Since COVID prevents our traditional gathering in the Parish Hall and enjoying mountains of pancakes prepared, flipped, and served by a team of our men, I hope we will mark the occasion at home. Dig up a family recipe or your favorite mix and enjoy your personal gluttonous fun reminiscent of the Middle Ages. Pass the syrup!

Did You Know?Cynthia Brust